Press: Chocabaret in Metro New York

Chocabaret coverage in the Metro New York daily paper.

Chocabaret: Where An Artisan Chocolate Tasting Meets A Cabaret Show
New York artisan chocolates matched to music — stop squinting your eyes, you read that correctly. Jackie Gordon, a singing chef and chocolate maker, will serenade you while you taste chocolates from New York’s best chocolate makers. A flavor wheel, palate cleanser and rating scale will help you use all of your five senses.

“For the Little Miss Muffet in All of Us”—West Side Spirit

In Egypt, way back when, a desert bedouin stored some milk in a leather satchel and set out on a journey in the scorching Saharan sun. When he went to refresh himself several hours later, all he found were chunky curds and whey.

Thirst-quenching? No. But the mistake was delicious, and experts think that this is how humans first stumbled upon the creation of cheese, that rich, fatty delight that has tantalized mankind ever since and helped pizza reach new heights of delectability.

These days, cheese is a lot easier to come by, and you probably don’t think twice about chucking that cellophane package of pre-wrapped slices into your shopping basket. But the self-proclaimed “singing chef” Jackie Gordon thinks you should.

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