Jackie’s gone Christmas cookie crazy 2009!!!

I had a bit of spare time and a lot of extra chocolate this holiday season so I started dipping and whipping up a storm of Xmas cookies. When I finally finished and I looked back at the boxes of over twenty types of goodies I’d made, the thought did cross my mind that I might need some sort of intervention. I also decided that next year, if I am feeling cookie compelled I would get some elves —if it’s good enuf for Santa… I shared them, I traded them, I gifted them and even had some hand delivered to Trinidad. Needless to say I spread them around and made a few folks very happy.

Mama Madras Have You Any Chicken Curry?

Jackie Gordon Singing Chef - Mama Madras Have You Any Chicken Curry?

My mama learned this chicken curry recipe from Christine and Fernando, our Portuguese-Indian neighbors, on the Lower East Side, in the 60’s. When she first tasted it, she had no palette for spicy food and sweated her way through the meal. Once she got used to it, she loved this dish and we loved it too. You’ll find it’s dead easy to whip up and a real crowd pleaser.

Heavenly Hazelnut Squares

Jackie Gordon Singing Chef - Heavenly Hazelnut Squares

A divine, easy cookie that I made up because I had a ten pound block of gianduja (Callebaut’s hazelnut milk chocolate — like Nutella’s richer, classier and more delicious cousin) to get rid of. It’s going folks, slowly, but surely. I may weep a little when it’s actually gone.

I made these for a friend’s birthday party after the caramel layer I was planning broke and started burning and spitting clarified butter all over the stove — very unattractive. After chucking that mess, I rushed to whip these up and ran to the party leaving them behind! There is a lesson in there. I believe it is: If you forget to bring the dessert with you, you get to keep it all for yourself. YIPPEE!!!

Recipe: Blueberry Scones

The “blizzard: made me do it! I used a couple of tricks from my Aussie catering days to make these. Using sparkling water helps to make the scones lighter and cooking the scones close together helps them rise. Twisting the cutter is a trick from the great Australian chef, author and restaurateur Stephanie Alexander, that helps scones rise to greater heights too. The dog ate my pictures…...

Thanksgiving 2009 Jax put the pots on!

Jackie Gordon Singing Chef - Thanksgiving 2009 Jax put the pots on!

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday! I’m so excited about Thanksgiving (read: since I don’t have my chocolate cafe weighing on me like it has the last four years) this year that I’m having it twice! For the family on Thursday and on the Friday for my friends who have to work in restaurants on Thanksgiving with a sprinkling of who were otherwise occupied on Thursday. Here is the menu as it stands now. I use a combination of dishes that that are traditional with dishes I make up to use up stuff I have too much of (read: chocolate, nuts, toffee) and a couple of things that are new and fun in the starter section. Until I actually make dinner, there are no pictures. I will do my best to get some shots on the day!